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The Easy Side of the Lake


Dale Landsman, my dad, coined the tag “The Easy Side of the Lake” for LaPorte County Convention & Visitors Bureau.

A couple weeks ago we celebrated Memorial Day. The kick off to summer. The time of year when tourists start coming to our dunes. Last weekend, as I stood in the middle of my favorite road trying to get a photo, I found myself cursing at an onslaught of cars driving by and making me wait.

I had to take a moment and remind myself how little the crowds and cars are compared to what’s happening just across that beautiful lake of ours, in Chicago.

I love the city as much as any of us. It’s great to go to every once in awhile for good food, good shopping, architecture and just the hustle and bustle of the city — but this time of year, all I need to do is go there once and I remember how much easier we have it over here. Rarely do you find a traffic jam, rarely do you have to wait long for a table at a restaurant.

Almost 20 years ago, my dad was doing advertising for the LaPorte County Convention & Visitors Bureau, and he wrote the tagline, “the easy side of the lake”. He was spot on. On this side of the lake we can drive our cars to the beach, almost always get a parking spot, and stroll down the shore in a moments time and with no hassle at all.

Here we can park across the street from a beautiful trail, or climb a dune that reaches the sky and we don’t have to contend with crowds and crowds of people. We have good music, food, shops and art, all at our fingertips.

So next time you are aggravated or annoyed at something that is happening here — perhaps a slow car or a line at the grocery store, remember how easy we have it here. And, to top it off — we are just an hour away from that “other” side of the lake. So when we do want to head over there…..It’s easy.


Summer is here folks! Enjoy life and keep digging those dunes!

~ Eve


The traffic on the “Easy Side of the Lake”


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