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Take the Dig the Dunes 52 Week Challenge.

Want to get out more? Get in a few extra steps? Discover new trails?...If you answered yes to any of these need to take the Dig the Dunes 52 week challenge! Print it out or save it on your phone. Go in order -- or out of order. See how many you can do. We'd love to hear your progress along the way. Please share photos, tag #digtheduneschallenge, or even send us feedback at Also, make sure to join our group on facebook where you can follow along and share your challenges along the way! Join the group here.

The Three Dune Challenge had to be on our list!

It's a new year. Let's do this thing! 52 weeks, 52 challenges. Want to make it more fun? Look for places to eat/drink/shop in our local dunes directory. Every challenge deserves a fun break after it's completed. View directory here.

  1. _____ Do the Diana Dunes Dare at West Beach.

  2. _____ Walk on the beach on a cold January day (has to be below 32).

  3. _____ Find a Shirley Heinze Land Trust preserve and take at least 3 photos on your hike.

  4. _____ Next time you're driving down Hwy. 12, Turn towards the lake at Kemil. Do the Dune Ridge Trail.

  5. _____ Do the Three Dune Challenge at the State Park.

  6. _____ Try Snow Shoeing. You can rent snow shoes at the State Park and the Douglas Center.

  7. _____ Head to the Calumet Dunes Trail off highway 12 and run the paved .5 mile trail. Not a runner? Give it a try -- of a simple walk will do!

  8. _____ Hit Bailly Homestead, Chellberg Farm, Little Calumet River Trail AND the Mnoké Prairie trails all in one day.

  9. _____ Take photos of Shelf Ice. Do NOT go out on the ice.

  10. _____ Find a new trail, or just walk around your neighborhood and look for the first spring flowers popping up.

  11. _____ Cross the boardwalk on Trail 2 at the State Park.

  12. _____ Walk out on the pier at Portage Lakefront and Riverwalk.

  13. _____ Visit the Heron Rookery Trail in the spring. Follow Dig the Dunes to find out when the Trillium are in bloom. It's magical!

  14. _____ Take on Trail 9. It's ranked one of the top trails in the country. Run the ridge!

  15. _____ Check out Miller Woods (Paul H. Douglas) Trail when the Lupine are in bloom.

  16. _____ Pack a picnic and head out on Cowles Bog Trail. Stop at the beach before heading back.

  17. _____ Walk at least 2 miles on the beach, find 3 pieces of beach glass.

  18. _____ Find a crinoid on the beach.

  19. _____ Join a ranger led hike at Pinhook Bog. Or do the upland trail.

  20. _____Join a ranger led hike at Mt. Baldy.

  21. _____Find a fun event led by Save the Dunes. Join them for a hike or gathering.

  22. _____Explore Warren Dunes in SW Michigan.

  23. _____Explore Warren Woods in SW Michigan.

  24. _____Take a picture of the beach on windy, wavy, grey day.

  25. _____Take a picture of the beach on a beautiful, sunny, calm day.

  26. _____Take a photo of the sunset 3 days in a row.

  27. _____Look for birds on the Great Marsh Trail in Beverly Shores.

  28. _____Ride your bike (or rent a bike) and ride the Singing Sands Trail

  29. _____Rent a kayak and go for a paddle. (or use your own).

  30. _____Do the long loop AND the short loop at Tolleston Dunes.

  31. _____Take trail 3 in the State Park to the Observation Platform.

  32. _____Discover the trails at West Beach (long lake is a nice one!).

  33. _____Run or sled down Devil's Slide in the State Park.

  34. _____Take a photo on the Pine Tree Trail at Ambler Flatwoods.

  35. _____Jump in Lake Michigan.

  36. _____Go to two beaches in one day.

  37. _____Hike one trail in the morning and a different on in the evening.

  38. _____Walk the pier to the Michigan City Lighthouse.

  39. _____Build a sandcastle.

  40. _____Create some sort of beach art.

  41. _____Head out to the Galien River Park Trail. Take a photo on the sky deck.

  42. _____Go for a boat ride on Lake Michigan.

  43. _____Take a walk through Friendship Botanic Gardens.

  44. _____Walk or run through Sunset Hill County Park.

  45. _____Visit a Laporte County Park.

  46. _____Go see the Sandhill Cranes at Jasper Pulaski.

  47. _____Take a photo on your favorite trail and send to us.

  48. _____Map out your perfect dunes itinerary and send to us.

  49. _____Run up and down a dune.

  50. _____Visit the Nature Center at the State Park.

  51. _____Visit the Indiana Dunes Welcome Center.

  52. _____Follow Dig the Dunes for more fun challenges! @digthedunes (facebook/instagram/twitter/tiktok.

Shirley Heinze Land Trust has lots of spots to discover!

BONUS CHALLENGES: Feel free to substitute for one you can't do, or add to your list! • Take a photo of a colorful sunrise over the lake

• Find this tree at Cowles Bog. Watch Video

• Take a photo of the moon over the Chicago skyline

• Pick up trash along beach or trails. Let us know your most interesting find

• Volunteer day at State Park, National Park, Save the Dunes or Shirley Heinze

• Tell us about your favorite place in the dunes

• Make up a one day itinerary in the dunes, tell us about it and do it yourself!


Want to learn about more fun things like this? Be sure to sign up for the Dig the Dunes weekly e-newsletter, right here.


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