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GET OUT! There’s now an Escape Room in Chesterton!

Submitted by: Eve Wierzbicki

Looking for something fun to do for the whole family? Head to Mission: Escape, Chesterton’s new Escape Room located at  1050 Broadway on the 2nd floor.

What is an escape room? It’s a great team building experience that has you tackling fun problems and puzzles to escape a room (actually two rooms) in a limited amount of time. You have exactly one hour to find your way out. You are given a few clues, and you are challenged to solve different problems. The answers will give you codes to different locks placed strategically around the area.

Watch the monitor for rules, clues and to see how much time you have left.

My family and a couple friends took the challenge. Four out of the five of us had never done an escape room and had no “clue” what was in store. What we found was that we had a lot of fun, we had to use our minds, time flew by and we wanted to do another!

Did we make it out in time? Yes we did. With just 4 minutes to spare!

Clues can be found all around the room. The answers help you crack the codes.

Currently there are two rooms available – the candy shop and the haunted funeral home. The owners plan to do another room soon. The rooms will swap out so there is always something new to try. Cost is $25 per person, but they do run specials and you can book the entire place for parties. You can reserve a room online or by phone. They suggest 4-6 people for an optimum experience (8-10 max). Great for team building experiences, birthday parties, family outings, teenage fun and more! So get out of your rut….and escape to something new!

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