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Cherry Beach, Michigan

This post was submitted by Stephen Lehman

A view from the lookout through the lens of my phone.

A view from the lookout through the lens of my phone.

Location: 13897 S Cherry Beach, Harbert, Michigan

I had the privilege of visiting Cherry Beach in Chikaming Township, MI which is located just NE of New Buffalo on Red Arrow Highway. The day was very foggy, which provided an otherworldly feel. The road leading to the beach entrance is dirt and seems a little misleading. When you arrive at the parking lot, you will see an overlook that opens up to Lake Michigan, just above the beach. I would highly recommend taking the time to check it out. It provides a breathtaking view of the lake. Once you get down to the beach, you quickly realize it is a hidden gem. It is full of driftwood, and seems untouched by pollution. This tiny beach is a must visit if you are able to find it, and even more so if it is significantly foggy.


Quite the otherworldly type of beach

Waves rolling in

Waves rolling in

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