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Chellberg Fun just One of 50 Events during this Weekend’s Indiana Dunes Festival

INDIANA DUNES NATIONAL PARK: Spend this weekend in nature, or history, at the Indiana Dunes Outdoor Adventure Festival. Hike, kayak, bike, or learn about geo-caching, photography, birding, and more. The festival runs from Friday September 9th through Sunday, September 11th and feature activities for people of all ages and physical abilities. Admission fees to Indiana Dunes National Park are waived on September 10th and 11th, but other parks or properties may still charge a fee.

With more than 50 events taking place over the weekend it can be hard to know where to begin. A few highlights include, Chellberg Farm Fun at the national park’s historic farm on September 10th and 11th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The historic farmhouse will be open to explore and to learn how farmers lived in the early 1900s. Visit the farm’s resident cows, chickens, and turkeys while admiring the garden. You can even help feed the animals each day at 4:30 pm. There will also be craft demonstrations, musical groups, and live entertainment. Enjoy a wagon rides for a small, suggested donation to the Friends of Indiana Dunes to help support the farm and its animals.

You can also join Save the Dunes for a photography hike at West Beach and learn some tips and tricks from renowned regional photographer, Susan Kirt. Meet at West Beach on Friday, September 9that 10:00 am – noon. (want to support Save the Dunes? consider attending the Monarch Music & More fest NEXT week at Brewery Lodge. More info here)

Hike with botanist Nathanael Pilla for an insiders' tour of the amazing Miller Woods. Nathanael, formerly of the National Park Service, is one of the foremost botanists of the region and can truly showcase the uniqueness of this botanically important area. The total trail length is about 3.0 miles and moderate in difficulty. Meet at the Douglas Center parking lot at 10:00 am on September 10th for this two-hour hike. Please wear long pants and sturdy shoes.

Experience relaxation, meditation, toning, and flexibility with free yoga classes at a beautiful location along Lake Michigan. No experience necessary. The class may be outdoors under the building canopy or inside the building if it’s cold. Please bring a yoga mat or towel and water. Meet at Portage Lakefront at 7:00 pm for a one-hour class on Saturday September 10th or Sunday, September 11th. Fuel up or have a drink ahead of time at Dig the Dunes Trail Stop located right at Portage Lakefront.

To learn about everything going on, make your first stop to the festival at the Indiana Dunes Visitor Center located at 1215 N. State Road 49 in Porter, Indiana or at the Chellberg Farm located at 618 N. Mineral Springs Road in Porter.


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