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All Aboard! Tickets are now available for the Emita II

Submitted by: Eve Wierzbicki

Last Friday, I was lucky enough to climb aboard the Emita II in Michigan City for her maiden voyage and sunset cruise. It was a beautiful evening, and as folks gathered at Millenium Plaza near the Old Lighthouse Museum, excitement rose. I could hear folks chatting about what to expect and where the tour would go. As we climbed aboard, we could see a large deck upstairs with tables and chairs as well as an enclosed area downstairs that also housed a small bar and concession area. We chose the upstairs deck where the sun was shining, but a breeze off the water kept things cool. While waiting for the tour boat to depart, we took in the view around us. Arcadia across the way was hopping. We waved to boats passing by. The city looked different from this view. It was almost as if we were somewhere new, on vacation.

At 7:30 we departed and as we cruised down the channel we were welcomed by staff and received our safety information. We could see the expanse of Lake Michigan in front of us and it was absolutely beautiful. The lake was so flat and still this evening. When we passed the lighthouse, we turned left and headed West. I wasn’t expecting this, but it completely made sense. The views were spectacular. Taking in Mount Baldy and Central Beach was breathtaking, although shocking to see all the beach erosion that has occurred. I am always taking my photos from beach, looking outwards, and this was an entirely different view. The dunes were magnificent and I was in awe.

As it got closer to sunset, the boat turned and headed back the other way. It truly was a magical evening. Throughout the tour we heard different facts about the area, which I’m sure will grow as they become more familiar.

As the sun was setting we went past the iconic lighthouse and Washington Park Beach. We could see crowds of people enjoying themselves at both the beach and up on the rooftop of North Pointe Pavillion and Sunset Grille.

It was a beautiful cruise, highly recommended and certainly something I will do again. It’s the perfect way to share our city with visitors, or even go out to rediscover it yourself.

Harbor Country Adventures is currently offering several tours a day. They also have the Sea Rocket Adventure which is their speedboat….which we hope to check out and report back on this week! You can find all the information you need, right here!


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