We’ve all done it. We’ve made our New Year’s resolutions and have decided to “exercise more” and “eat healthy”. But now that we’ve made those resolutions, how do we stick with them? Well, if you live in or near the dunes — it’s easy! Here are 7 ways to help you exercise more, eat healthy and stay fit.
Go for a hike. Or a walk, or a run. We are lucky to have so many trails near us. From the Indiana Dunes State Park, to many of the Shirley Heinze Land Trust locations to the beach and the Dunes National Lakeshore. Take a look at the Dig the Dunes trails and beaches section to find something that interests you! A perfect place to start running is Tolleston Dunes. There is a short loop and a long loop, a few hills to keep it interesting and lots of different terrain. Looking for something a little easier to just get you going? Try walking the loop at Portage Lakefront. It’s beautiful at all times of the year.
Start Yoga. Yoga places are popping up everywhere and we have some amazing ones in the area. Yoga is now touted as one of the healthiest things you can do for your body. We have Yoga Mecca and Bleu Lotus in Chesterton and Yoga with Lauralee in Michigan City. Many offer special deals and let you try it out for free. And….then you can look forward to summer when you can do Yoga on the beach!
Join a food co-op. We are lucky to have Creme de la Crop in Valparaiso. Creme de la Crop is an organic local CSA farm. This is a way for you to buy local, seasonal produce directly from a farmer in your community. Pick from several packages and they will box up fruits and vegetables twice a month. There are several pick up areas around the dunes community. Check out their website or Facebook page for more information!

Keep healthy food & products in your home. Sometimes when walking down the grocery aisle, it’s a lot easier to grab the potato chips then it is the fruits and veggies. But, when you walk into some of the wonderful specialty stores we have available in the dunes area, it makes it much easier to find a healthy, organic option! We may not have Whole Foods or Trader Joes close by, but we do have Nature’s Cupboard, L.O.A.F, Molly Bea’s Ingredients and Green Housewives Bath Company. Give them a try and opt for the carrots instead of the cookies.
Find a personal trainer. Many people shy away from the thought of a personal trainer. They think it’s too costly or embarrassing to exercise in front of someone. That’s not always the case! Troy at Troybuilt Fitness has several options for you. Once you make a plan to see a personal trainer, it helps you to stick with your goals. If you know someone is counting on you to keep exercising throughout the week it keeps you motivated!
Treat yourself. Being healthy means working out and eating right, but sometimes you have to treat yourself as well. In order to keep your mind healthy, be sure to make some time just for you. Maybe it’s a massage (revitalize), acupuncture (sacred dunes) or hypnosis and meditation (randi light). Work on a healthy natural way to keep your body and mind feeling good and stress free.
Appreciate life. We are so lucky to live in the area that we do. Sometimes in January and February it gets a little rough, but remember that the dunes are beautiful in ALL seasons. Sometimes you may not feel motivated, but push yourself to get outside. Even if it’s just a drive to the beach to see the lake. Getting out and getting fresh air can do wonders for your body, mind and mood. A drive down snowy Kemil road is breathtaking, a quick walk down a trail and spotting deer can make you smile. Breathe in the beauty and wonder of what surrounds you!~ and…keep diggin’ those dunes!