Discover the Dunes
Trails & Beaches
Eve Landsman-Wierzbicki is the founder of Dig the Dunes. Here you can find her periodic writings about the dunes and why she loves them so much. Get her insights on some of the trails, places to go and fun that can be had right here in the dunes!!!!
Pinhook Bog - Ranger-led Bog trail
Trail 10 - Indiana Dunes State Park
Monarch Music Fest returns to Brewery Lodge on Sunday, September 10.
Diggin' Sleeping Bear Dunes with a Dog.
Dig the Dunes "Lost Treasures" Photo Exhibit and Fundraiser.
Now accepting photos for the Dig the Dunes 2024 calendar contest.
Mac is Back and Cheesier than Ever.
Evexia Salt Cave & Spa
Trail 7 and Trail 4 - Indiana Dunes State Park
Beverly Shores Trail System
Dune Ridge Trail - a trail for any season.
Serenity Salon & Spa
A Few of our Favorite Farmer's Markets.
Meadowbrook Nature Preserve - Shirley-Heinz Land Trust
Soldier's Memorial Park - Cravens Pond Walking Trail
Dig the Dunes Pavilion Parties. When & where they are...and what to expect!
Hit a Home Run with Summertime Fun at the Ballpark.
Trail 3 - Indiana Dunes State Park, a favorite for birders.
Brincka Cross Gardens Trails
Dig the Dunes Seeking Vendors for Artisan Market.