Discover the Dunes
Trails & Beaches
Eve Landsman-Wierzbicki is the founder of Dig the Dunes. Here you can find her periodic writings about the dunes and why she loves them so much. Get her insights on some of the trails, places to go and fun that can be had right here in the dunes!!!!
Meet your Neighbors: Joel Pisowicz
Meet your Neighbors: Jessica Rosier
Meet you Neighbor: Frank Kurland
Off the Beaten Path, from Illinois to Michigan along Highway 12
Ambler Flatwoods
Meet your Neighbor: Megan Applegate
Three Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer
Meet Your Neighbors: Scott Kuchta
South Shore CVA – Promoting the Region’s People, Places and Events
Five things you need to do before summer is over.
Why do YOU dig the dunes?
Home Beach Home
A Teen’s Top Five….Cheeseburgers!
Pssst…we’ve got a secret on one of the best spots around!
6 Tips to Stay Hydrated in the Summer Sun
Meet your Neighbors: Steve and Mary E.
From Illinois to Indiana…why we moved to the dunes.
Meet your Neighbor: Colleen Brennan
Meet your Neighbor: John Leinweber
Family owned beach destination continues to flourish.